ELGPN Concept Note No. 6 - Early School Leaving and Lifelong Guidance

ONE OF THE EUROPE2020 TARGETS is reducing Early School Leaving (ESL) rate to less than 10 %. A multitude of approaches to combating ESL have been adopted across Europe. Each country has its own strategy and in a number of European countries lifelong guidance is identified as a beneficial measure for tackling early leaving from education and training. The Concept Note discusses the role of guidance in prevention, intervention and compensation actions related to ESL.

This Concept Note has been commissioned by ELGPN, and supported by a reference group drawn from its members. The views expressed, however, are those of its authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ELGPN or its member-countries.

The authors are Ms Annemarie Oomen (The Netherlands) and Prof Peter Plant (Denmark).

ELGPN Concept Note No. 6. Early School Leaving and Lifelong Guidance is available in these languages:
English Portuguese