ELGPN Concept Note No. 2. Youth Unemployment

YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT is a growing problem across Europe, with significant implications for individuals, communities, economies and societies. This concept note analyses the current trends facing young people and policy-makers, and the policies and good/interesting practices emerging in different EU Member States in response to youth unemployment. It then explores what more can be done, drawing on lifelong guidance policies and practices. In particular, it examines how policies for responsive lifelong guidance services can contribute to new and emerging government delivery plans within and across Member States. Finally, it identifies key questions to inform Member States’ education, training, employment and social inclusion policies.

The concept note has been commissioned by ELGPN, and supported by a reference group drawn from its members. The views expressed, however, are those of its authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ELGPN or its member-countries.

The authors are Dr Deirdre Hughes, OBE (United Kingdom) and Dr Tibor Bors Borbély-Pecze (Hungary).

ELGPN Concept Note No. 2. Youth unemployment is available in these languages:
Croatian Dutch English Greek
Latvian Portuguese