WELCOME TO ELGPN database of LLG related initiatives and practices
Examples of Lifelong Guidance related initiatives and practices in ELGPN member countries
ELGPN database of LLG related initiatives and practices is a service provided by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network. The database includes interesting Lifelong Guidance policy related initiatives and practices from the ELGPN member countries. The cases are selected and promoted by the national ELGPN representatives. The format for these examples is based on the European Commission’s Knowledge System for Lifelong Learning (KSLLL). Some examples include an additional narrative description for those who want more details of the implementation of the practice. The examples are categorised in accordance to the priorities of the EU Council 2008 Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies and the OECD/EU 2004 handbook for guidance policy makers. You can search initiatives and practices by key word, text or directory. All these searches can be found in tabs above.
To upload information you need to be a registered user. The ELGPN Co-ordination team creates you an account by your request. If you decide to register, you agree with the tems of use. Before sending a registration request to the ELGPN Co-ordination team, read through the terms of uses and descriptions of both registers below.
Terms of Use of the ELGPN database of initiatives and practices
Terms of use of the ELGPN database of initiative and practices
Register description of the ELGPN database
Data provider register description of the ELGPN database
You can find more information about uploading information in the ELGPN database from the files below.
Good to know about your user account
Good to know about the forms
How to fill in forms
The latest uploads for the database are presented below.
Most recent (5)