Access to guidance
Conditions, circumstances or requirements (e.g. qualification, education level, special needs, gender, age etc.) governing admission to and participation in guidance activities, and/or the right to use guidance services or programmes.
Adaptation of the definition used in education and training to a guidance context. This is a restricted definition of access, which is more generally defined in a service context as:
‘the right to use a particular service’.
A key concern is that lifelong guidance policies encourage social inclusion and ‘that all citizens have a right to access guidance services at any point in their lives’ (Lifelong Guidance Policy Development: a European Resource Kit 2012).
Cedefop (2008b). Terminology of European education and training policy: a selection of 100 key terms. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Available from Internet: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/europass/home/hornav/Glossary.csp
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ELGPN Glossary, access to guidance, access