Career counsellor
Career counsellors assist people to explore, pursue and attain their career goals.
Career advisers/counsellors have normally received professional training and possess a recognised professional qualification.
Other definitions include:
• A professional trained in career guidance that is able to assist others to make rational career choices (Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary).
• A career counsellor provides counselling in educational, career and personal domains. A career counsellor assists individuals to achieve greater self-awareness, develop a life/work direction, increase understanding of learning and work opportunities and become self-directed in managing learning, work and transitions (Canada Career Information Partnership, 2006).
Synonym for career adviser and guidance counsellor.
UNESCO (2002). Handbook of Career Counselling. Available from Internet: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001257/125740e.pdf
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ELGPN Glossary, counsellor, career, guidance, career choice, self-awareness, opportunity, transition