Career development
The lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure and transitions in order to move towards a personally determined and evolving future.
Career development is also used to describe the outcome of this process.
Other definitions include:
• The total constellation of economic, sociological, psychological, educational, physical and chance factors that combine to shape one’s career (Sears, 1982).
• The continuous planning carried out to advance a person's career based on experience and on any training undertaken to upgrade qualifications or to acquire new ones (UNESCO).
Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary. Result of Leonardo da Vinci programme project “Overcoming Intercultural and Linguistic Barriers in Continuously Accessible Vocational Guidance and Counselling” (project No LT/03/B/F/LA-171023). Available from Internet: http://glossary.ambernet.lt/main.php?lang=eng#
Canadian Career Development Foundation (2002). Career Development: A Primer and a Glossary.
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ELGPN Glossary, process, management, transition, career, planning, development