Counselling or guidance that is delivered using ICT and which may or may not directly involve a guidance counsellor. Frequently used to describe the provision of information or the use of self-assessment tools and exercises via the internet.
e-guidance covers the provision of guidance activities and services using all forms of ICT, including:
Online Guidance
Guidance provided via ICT, for example using a computer or similar electronic device (e.g. a mobile telephone). May include interaction with a guidance professional via email, webchat, sms or social media (e.g. Facebook). Frequently used to describe the provision of information or the use of self-assessment tools and exercises via the internet.
Telephone guidance
The provision of guidance services via the telephone. It may involve a telephone conversation with a guidance worker or, less frequently, the delivery of pre-recorded information. Similar services are now also provided by webchat, sms or via the internet.
Web guidance
Guidance activities provided via the internet using ICT. This may include the provision of information, the use of self-help materials and tools, as well as more interactive activities, such as participation in forums or discussion groups, and email or web-based discussion with a guidance worker.
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ELGPN Glossary, guidance, internet, ICT, online, career guidance, counsellor, social media