Quality standard
Technical specifications which are measurable and have been drawn up by consensus and approved by an organisation with recognised and relevant expertise at regional, national or international levels. The purpose of quality standards is optimisation of input and/or output of guidance.
The standard(s) that an organisation sets for all of its key business operations and that help clarify what an organisation expects of its employees in delivering these operations or a client can expect when using the service.
Quality standards are an important feature of a service’s comprehensive quality-assurance system and criteria are the details identified to reach the set standard(s). This includes quality indicators on the evidence identified to show the service meets set criteria.
They refer to the systems and procedures developed by career practitioners and stakeholders in the career sector that:
• define the career sector, its membership and its services;
• recognise the diverse skills and knowledge of career practitioners;
• guide practitioner entry into the sector;
• provide a foundation for designing career practitioner training;
• provide quality assurance to the public and other stakeholders in the sector;
• create an agreed terminology for the sector
(adapted from [Canadian] National Steering Committee for Career Development Guidelines and Standards, 2004).
See definitions of ‘Quality assurance’, ‘Quality criteria’, ‘Quality indicators’ and ‘Quality system’.
Cedefop (2003). Quality in training = La qualité dans la formation: Glossary. (Working paper / Document de travail). Available from Internet: http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/virtual/quality_glossary_2003.pdf
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ELGPN Glossary, quality, quality assurance, specifications