Subject of the Policy document
National Curriculum Framework
Reference data
Adopted/Released by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Year of adoption 2011
Reference number ISBN 978-953-6569-76-2
Available at http://
Available in English at http://
1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance
Within Chapter V.: Structure of National Framework Curriculum for Preschool Education, General Compulsory and Secondary School Education:
4. Optional and non-compulsory subjects
In order to harmonise the educational standard for all primary school pupils, the student load needs to be harmonised. The introduction of an alternative optional subject is therefore foreseen, which will enable the pupils to acquire basic ethical-moral competences and basic knowledge to pupils not taking Catholic religious instruction.
While the optional subject is a compulsory subject that is a part of the educational standard of the pupils, the non-compulsory subject is the subject the pupils choose themselves out of a number of subjects/modules in the school curriculum, and it is not a compulsory subject. As opposed to the optional subject, the non-compulsory subject does not have to have an alternative subject, but is a unique offer.
Non-compulsory subjects can be, for example, Professional orientation and future paths, ICT, Civil upbringing and education, Speech and listening, Rhetoric, Media Culture, Croatian Traditional Culture, Architecture, Environment and Cultural Heritage, Theatre, Addiction Prevention, Domestic Science, Handicraft, Classical Languages, foreign languages, and many other subjects the school can construct programmes for and offer to the pupils, having in mind their needs, general education values and goals, and fundamental competences. Schools can also create other subjects, modules, projects and activities on their own.
Within Chapter VI: Inter-subject topics
Professional orientation is listed within expected pupil achievements within individual educational cycles for the following areas of upbringing and education:
5. Humanities and social sciences (one of the goals of upbringing and educational goals is the following: "developing a valid attitude and skill of learning from all available sources, readiness for lifelong learning and assuming responsibility for one's own learning and professional development."
Within the mentioned upbringing and education area, expected pupil achievements are listed, according to individual cycles.
IN THE FIRST CYCLE, within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• differentiate among the various occupations in school, their family and the community
• differentiate among occupations included in entrepreneurial endeavour or operation of an enterprise
• make decisions on planning their free time and the choice of non-curriculum activities."
IN THE SECOND CYCLE, within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• differentiate among occupations included in entrepreneurial endeavour or operation of an enterprise and recognise the role and importance of each individual to the success of the whole
• become aware of their self-confidence based on their abilities that can satisfy their needs and contribute to the development of the pupil's surroundings
• make grounded decisions on planning their free time and the choice of non-curriculum activities and activities not provided by the school."
IN THE THIRD CYCLE, within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• make justified decisions on their own education, professional and personal development
• be responsible about their own success in education
• recognise their talents and abilities for certain areas of work and creating based on their success in school and participation in school activities, and cooperation with different institutions and organisations in their community
• list fundamental factors necessary to establish and maintain a business."
IN THE FOURTH CYCLE (VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS), within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• investigate and justify the possibilities to continue their education and further development
• recognise their talents and abilities for certain areas of work and creating based on their success in school and participation in school activities, and cooperation with different institutions and organisations in their community, Croatia and Europe
• use their knowledge, competences and skills in their professional progress responsibly."
IN THE FOURTH CYCLE (GYMNASIUMS), within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• investigate and justify the possibilities to continue their education and further development
• recognise their talents and abilities for certain areas of work and creating based on their success in school and participation in school activities, and cooperation with different institutions and organisations in their community, Croatia and Europe
GENERAL SUBJECT STRUCTURE OF AREAS: Science and Social Studies, History, Geography, Civil upbringing and education, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Logics, Religious instruction; Ethics (alternative subjects), and modules: Civil upbringing and education (integrated in subjects), Production and consumption (integrated in subjects), Career guidance and lifelong learning (integrated in subjects), Citizen and entrepreneurship (integrated in subjects), Applied Psychology (integrated in subjects).
Within Chapter V.: Structure of National Framework Curriculum for Preschool Education, General Compulsory and Secondary School Education:
4. Optional and non-compulsory subjects
In order to harmonise the educational standard for all primary school pupils, the student load needs to be harmonised. The introduction of an alternative optional subject is therefore foreseen, which will enable the pupils to acquire basic ethical-moral competences and basic knowledge to pupils not taking Catholic religious instruction.
While the optional subject is a compulsory subject that is a part of the educational standard of the pupils, the non-compulsory subject is the subject the pupils choose themselves out of a number of subjects/modules in the school curriculum, and it is not a compulsory subject. As opposed to the optional subject, the non-compulsory subject does not have to have an alternative subject, but is a unique offer.
Non-compulsory subjects can be, for example, Professional orientation and future paths, ICT, Civil upbringing and education, Speech and listening, Rhetoric, Media Culture, Croatian Traditional Culture, Architecture, Environment and Cultural Heritage, Theatre, Addiction Prevention, Domestic Science, Handicraft, Classical Languages, foreign languages, and many other subjects the school can construct programmes for and offer to the pupils, having in mind their needs, general education values and goals, and fundamental competences. Schools can also create other subjects, modules, projects and activities on their own.
Within Chapter VI: Inter-subject topics
Professional orientation is listed within expected pupil achievements within individual educational cycles for the following areas of upbringing and education:
5. Humanities and social sciences (one of the goals of upbringing and educational goals is the following: "developing a valid attitude and skill of learning from all available sources, readiness for lifelong learning and assuming responsibility for one's own learning and professional development."
Within the mentioned upbringing and education area, expected pupil achievements are listed, according to individual cycles.
IN THE FIRST CYCLE, within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• differentiate among the various occupations in school, their family and the community
• differentiate among occupations included in entrepreneurial endeavour or operation of an enterprise
• make decisions on planning their free time and the choice of non-curriculum activities."
IN THE SECOND CYCLE, within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• differentiate among occupations included in entrepreneurial endeavour or operation of an enterprise and recognise the role and importance of each individual to the success of the whole
• become aware of their self-confidence based on their abilities that can satisfy their needs and contribute to the development of the pupil's surroundings
• make grounded decisions on planning their free time and the choice of non-curriculum activities and activities not provided by the school."
IN THE THIRD CYCLE, within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• make justified decisions on their own education, professional and personal development
• be responsible about their own success in education
• recognise their talents and abilities for certain areas of work and creating based on their success in school and participation in school activities, and cooperation with different institutions and organisations in their community
• list fundamental factors necessary to establish and maintain a business."
IN THE FOURTH CYCLE (VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS), within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• investigate and justify the possibilities to continue their education and further development
• recognise their talents and abilities for certain areas of work and creating based on their success in school and participation in school activities, and cooperation with different institutions and organisations in their community, Croatia and Europe
• use their knowledge, competences and skills in their professional progress responsibly."
IN THE FOURTH CYCLE (GYMNASIUMS), within topic 5: PEOPLE, SOCIETY AND ECONOMY, career guidance is mentioned in the following:
"3. Professional orientation
Pupils will:
• investigate and justify the possibilities to continue their education and further development
• recognise their talents and abilities for certain areas of work and creating based on their success in school and participation in school activities, and cooperation with different institutions and organisations in their community, Croatia and Europe
GENERAL SUBJECT STRUCTURE OF AREAS: Science and Social Studies, History, Geography, Civil upbringing and education, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Logics, Religious instruction; Ethics (alternative subjects), and modules: Civil upbringing and education (integrated in subjects), Production and consumption (integrated in subjects), Career guidance and lifelong learning (integrated in subjects), Citizen and entrepreneurship (integrated in subjects), Applied Psychology (integrated in subjects).
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This information was provided/updated by:
Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department
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policy, preschool education, general compulsory education, secondary school education, primary school pupils, educational standard, basic ethical-moral competences, compulsory subject, non-compulsory subject, career guidance, professional orientation, professional development, Croatia, civil upbringing and education, inter-subject topics, humanities and social sciences, learning skills development, expected pupil achievements, self-confidence, entrepreneurial endeavour, non-curriculum activities, educational development, personal development, talent recognition, co-operation, lifelong learning, National level, Regional level, national curriculum framework, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET