Quality in Career Guidance – open process of coordination for quality development and its results
Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy
Quality in Career Guidance – open process of coordination for quality development and its results
I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database
1. Background
What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?
- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)
- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)
- Participants
According to the federal structure in Germany responsibilities for career guidance and counselling are split up between federal, regional and local authorities and the PES Federal Employment Agency (BA). There is also a large variety of training providers, non-profit organisations, private and semi-private institutions as well as private career counsellors, who offer guidance services. Since the abolishment of the state monopoly for career guidance and counselling (“Berufsberatung”) in 1998 which since 1927 was assigned to the PES the field of career guidance services became increasingly heterogeneous and intransparent. With the exception of the regulations for career guidance of the PES there are no common legal requirements for service provision, qualification of staff or quality standards in the guidance sector. This is why more and more professionals as well as representatives of users claim compulsory quality standards.
Beside the PES which still is the largest and most important provider for career guidance in Germany the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has launched initiatives and funding programmes under the “Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013” to improve guidance services (e.g. the “Local Learning”-Programme and the conception for a telephone service and an educational guidance portal,). Many regional governments (Länder) have also set up programmes for educational guidance. All these publicly funded initiatives could be supported by agreed quality standards for guidance services.
Further, European and international developments towards quality in career guidance, especially the EU Council Resolutions and the work in the ELGPN, influenced the growing discussions for a coherent strategy for quality development in Germany. The open method of coordination has been used in the European Union as a soft-law mechanism for policy development where no official regulations are in place. It has been used to manage bottom-up processes and therefore proved suitability for the process of quality development in Germany. The German National Guidance Forum (nfb), a network of actors and stakeholders in career guidance, has committed itself to further develop quality and professionalism of career guidance in Germany. With funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FMER) and in collaboration with the University of Heidelberg the nfb initiated and coordinates tan open process of coordination for the development of quality framework and instruments from October 2009 to January 2012.
Aims and targets
- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)
- Target group
- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)
Aims: The overall aim of the project is to initiate an open process of coordination among the most important actors and stakeholders in the field of career guidance, to agree on
o a common understanding of career guidance,
o a catalogue of indispensable quality criteria for career guidance delivery as base for developing standards,
o a competence profile for career guidance practitioners,
o a Quality Development Framework to support service providers in their quality management systems including a set of tools and guidelines for implementation and a pilot testing in 19 services,
o recommendations for a sustainable, long term implementation strategy for quality development and establishing standards.
Target groups: guidance professionals, service providers; policy makers, funding bodies and users
Methods: “Open process of coordination”:
o Two parallel task groups (ca. 15 members each representing experts from the various guidance sectors) worked on the items outlined above (“aims and targets”) with scientific support by researchers from Heidelberg University.
o An intermediate peer learning meeting in October 2010 with practitioners from various guidance sectors evaluated the process and the first results of both Working Groups before they continued working
o A high level Advisory Board representing policy makers and stakeholders on federal and regional level accompanied the project, evaluated results and gave advice for implementation in the various guidance sectors.
o The German National Guidance Forum as project coordinator disseminates information and results via website, newsletter, press releases, presentations at conferences etc.
2. Implementation
Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)
- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)
- Implementation (description)
The project developed quality criteria, a competence profile, and a Quality Development Framework in career guidance. A first piloting phase evaluated the usability, feasibility and acceptability of these commonly agreed criteria and of the Quality Development Framework. The experts in the working groups and the stakeholders in the Advisory Board also formulated recommendations for implementation. But the implementation itself – either the adoption or the adaptation to already existing standards and quality assurance systems is not a task of the project. This is up to the responsibility of the multiple actors and providers in the guidance field, i.e. policy makers in the federal, the regional and local governments, as well as the large number of service providers and funding institutions. In order to support the implementation and to further develop and validate the criteria, competence framework and the quality development framework through further testing and policy debates on standardization a second project has been initiated. This project “Quality in Guidance - Implementation strategies and scientific foundation” (02/2012 – 07/2014) will also look at the effects quality measures have to strengthen the evidence base.
Monitoring and evaluation
- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?
- What actors are involved?
An evaluation of the outcomes has been part of the project and has accompanied the development process: The catalogue of quality criteria and the Quality Development Framework have been piloted in 19 guidance institutions. This piloting phase was supported and evaluated by the University of Heidelberg. A further evaluation looks at the open process of coordination as such and its impact on subsequent implementation. This evaluation - realized by the University of Heidelberg – showed evidence that the developed quality criteria and the instruments are valued tools for quality development processes.
3. Outcomes
Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)
- Specific results
- Cost effectiveness
- Budget
- Innovative aspects
The results of the project are presented to the public in January 2012 in a nationwide conference. and additionally in a number of publications. Preliminary results and the work in progress are described in a brochure (Qualitätsmerkmale guter Beratung – erste Ergebnisse aus dem offenen Koordinierungsprozess zur Qualitätsentwicklung”), a newsletter and the website have accompanied the process and provided transparency for the public. In January 2012 all the results will be dissiminated in a folder including short and long versions of the quality tools as well as in upcoming scientific publications and the website.
Specific results:
o a common understanding of career guidance and a definition of the field of guidance in education, career and employment
o a catalogue of quality criteria for career guidance delivery,
o a competence profile for career guidance practitioners,
o a Quality Development Framework to support service providers in their quality management systems including a set of tools and guidelines for implementation,
o recommendations for a sustainable, long term implementation strategy for quality standards and the Quality Development Framework.
Cost effectiveness: It is expected that the increase in service quality will require more investment in the service delivery (staff training etc.). On the other hand increased quality in service delivery will avoid the individual and societal costs of wrong career decisions, low skilled labour, mismatch in the labour market, unemployment benefits etc.
• The project has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for 29 month (01.10. 2009 –31.01.2012) with a grant.
Innovative aspects:
o For the first time a catalogue of commonly agreed quality criteria for career guidance and counselling is available in Germany
o The catalogue of 19 common quality criteria is applicable for all kinds of career development interventions and in all sub-fields (though certain adaptations may be necessary). The criteria are operationalized through indicators refering to the 3 actors responsible for the quality of CG: Practitioners, Organisations/providers, Policy makers and are assembled on 5 levels following a theoretic systemic context model
o The competence profile and the quality criteria are based on scientific research and follow the systemic context model of career guidance (developed at the University of Heidelberg).
o The competence profile defines the competences of guidance practitioners and thereby helps to strengthen the profession.
o The quality development framework supports the implementation of the quality criteria
as part of a coherent quality strategy for CG providers: it is applicable in all kinds of CG providers, adaptable to other already existing QM strategies and includes a compendium of materials with tools and guidelines for implementation.
o The open process of coordination initiated by an NGO (nfb) and funded by the Federal Government is in itself an innovative initiative combining strategic (policy) development and civil society needs. It was able to create a movement for quality in the field and initiated a respective ongoing professional debate.
Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)
- Lessons learnt
- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)
- A large number of actors and stakeholders from different and relevant guidance sectors whose expertise is accepted by the field of guidance in education, career and employment participated. .
- Strong commitment and motivation and engagement for the common aim of enhancing quality and professionalism of guidance in Germany which led to a kind of movement towards quality and professionalism among experts but also among providers and practitioners.
- A longer preparatory process in which key actors and stakeholders have been involved and which gave all players an opportunity to shape the process. This also ensured legitimization of the project partners and the process itself.
- Constant consultation and communication with different actors and stakeholders created a culture of openness to deal with resentments and fears.
- Scientific foundation of process and results and evaluation of the outcomes fosters legitimization and validation.
Unintended impacts:
- More networking and closer ties in the career guidance community which led to a movement for strengthening quality and professionalism in the field and to an ongoing dialogue about quality and professionalism in career guidance.
Strengths and weaknesses
- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?
- Are there still challenges ahead?
Strengths refer to the strong need expressed by professionals and users as well as by government officials to establish commonly agreed quality criteria in career guidance. By now some providers and practitioners associations have set up their own standards and their own accreditation system with the consequence of some confusion and missing transparency on the various certificates and accreditations that exist.
(see success factors above)
Weaknesses: The project is not be able to alter the diverse responsibilities for career guidance and counselling in Germany or legislation in this field. Thus a joint procedure to establish commonly agreed standards will rely on the voluntary self commitment of service providers or funding authorities, as well as stakeholders.
The quality criteria are only descriptive and do not include any standardizations which would have certain reliability. This will need further development through continuous consensus-oriented negotiation. The Quality Development Framework and particularly the competence profile are prototypical and need further piloting, validation and development.
4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative
The project has of course manifold roots, but a strong link to the European Lisbon Process and its follow-up activities on Lifelong Learning Strategies and Lifelong Guidance, in particular the two EU Council Resolutions on Lifelong Guidance (2004 and 2008) and the work of the European Commission’s Expert Group Lifelong Guidance as well as the foundation of and successful cooperation in the ELGPN. The previous OECD/World Bank/EU-Studies on Career Guidance and Public Policy (2001 – 2004) contributed much to the increasing awareness of the important role career guidance systems and services have to play in achieving major policy goals in education, employment, and labour market as well as in social inclusion.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research started already in 2000 with the programme “Learning Regions” (2001 – 2007) funding regional networks for learning and work including also career guidance activities. In 2006 the Minister established a high level expert group to design recommendations for innovative lifelong learning strategies (“Innovationskreis Weiterbildung”). Results of this exert group (www.bmbf.bund.de) recommended a follow-up programme to the “Learning Regions” (“Local Learning”), the development of a telephone service and a guidance online portal to enhance transparency and better access to guidance, a funding programme with grants (“Bildungspraemie”) for further training of employed persons, and improvements in the quality of educational guidance services.
According to their responsibilities in educational and labour market policies several of the German Federal States (Laender) developed a variety of regional initiatives and funding programmes to establish Lifelong Learning Strategies and skills improvement programmes within their territories, which are complementary to the funding of the Federal Government (e.g. consulting and funding for SME who want to skill up their staff, further training for employed persons or for persons with no entitlement to unemployment benefits – always including some guidance activities for the beneficiaries).
The issue of quality standards for guidance delivery and staff qualification is crucial to all these publicly funded programmes. The project presented here is a result of the joint venture of an NGO activity in the field of career guidance and counselling (German National Guidance Forum – nfb) and manifold policy interventions on national and regional level to enhance Lifelong Learning.
Project Course:
After an initial phase in which the experts for the working groups and the stakeholders for the advisory board were found the groups started discussing the scientifically based drafts presented by the University of Heidelberg. Before the development of the criteria, the competence profile and the Quality Development Framework the experts agreed on a common definition of career guidance and of quality in career guidance. They also defined the field (guidance in education, career and employment) to which the results would apply. On the basis of this the criteria, competence profile and the Quality Development Framework could be developed. The results from the piloting and from the consultations with the wider career guidance community were used for the further debates in the working groups. And, the results were reflected in the Advisory Council. At last recommendations for implementations were discussed and agreed upon in the working groups and within a final common workshop with the piloting institutions.
The quality criteria provide a framework for orientation for what is good career guidance . In this they are supported by the competence profile and the QDF.
All the 19 quality criteria are operationalised through indicators referring to the 3 actors responsible for guidance in education, career and employment: practitioners, organizations and policy makers. The criteria are organized on 5 levels following the systemic context model. Overarching are the basic criteria which are basic for career guidance as a professional and communicative service. The quality criteria from a process perspective refer to those aspects which are evidently elements for the design of career guidance as an interactive process. The quality criteria from a consellor perspective describe the necessity for competences and continuous professional development. And quality criteria from the organizational perspective name the needs for a professional environment. The quality criteria from the societal context describe the relevant societal aims and focus on what needs to be reflected in the career guidance process to contribute to these aims.
The competence profile for guidance practitioners aims to strengthen professionalism in the field via the consensus on the necessary competences of guidance practitioners. It is set up parallel to the quality criteria with 20 competences which are in itself clearly defined. There are again basic competences, competences for the counseling process, competences and knowledge concerning the client, competences for professional self-reflection of the guidance practitioner, competences to act within the organization and competences and knowledge on the societal context.
The Quality Development Framework (QDF) supports the implementation of the quality criteria and the competences and increases transparency for a coherent quality strategy of a career guidance provider. It connects the criteria to quality management and evaluation and thus supports sustainable quality development. It is flexible as it may be applied in different career guidance institutions and can be adapted to existing quality management systems. Generally, the QDF follows a basic action circle with commitment to this quality process, an analysis of the status against the quality criteria, planning and implementation of measures and a further analysis of the outcomes.
With these results the open process of coordination has been successful in developing quality criteria, a competence profile and a QDF for career guidance in such a heterogeneous context as it is found in Germany. However, to date the criteria, competence profile and the QDF remain to be prototypical and need further development, implementation and validation. The criteria must become standards which will need another negotiation process. At the same time the criteria and competences and the QDF need to be continuously implemented in order to reach a dynamic, flexible, transparent and non-bureaucratic quality model.
Additional information
Name of contact
Karen Schober; Dr. Bernhard Jenschke
Role (in policy initiative)
President and Vice President of German National Guidance Forum in Education, Career and Employment ( nfb)
Organization name
National Guidance Forum in Education, Career and Employment (Nationales Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung e.V., nfb)
Nationales Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung e.V., Kurfürstenstr. 131, 10785 Berlin, Germany
bernhard@jenschke.de; info@forum-beratung.de
Website address
http://www.forum-beratung.de; http://www.beratungsqualitaet.net
Documents and publications
- Nationales Forum Beratung; Forschungsgruppe Beratungsqualität am Institut für Bildungswissenschaft der Universität Heidelberg (2011). Qualitätsmerkmale guter Beratung – erste Ergebnisse aus dem Offenen Koordinierungsprozess zur Qualitätsentwicklung“. Bielefeld, Berlin, wbv.
- Nationales Forum Beratung; Forschungsgruppe Beratungsqualität am Institut für Bildungswissenschaft der Universität Heidelberg (2012). Ergebnisse des Offenen Koordinierungsprozesses zur Qualitätsentwicklung 2009–2011. Bielefeld, Berlin, wbv.
- Nationales Forum Beratung; Forschungsgruppe Beratungsqualität am Institut für Bildungswissenschaft der Universität Heidelberg (2012). Kompetenzprofil für Beratende. Ergebnis des Offenen Koordinierungsprozesses zur Qualitätsentwicklung 2009–2011. Bielefeld, Berlin, wbv.
Attached files
- File: broschure_qmm.pdf (3 459 KB)
- File: broschuere_kompetenz.pdf (4 144 KB)
- File: kurzdarstellung_kompetenz.pdf (332 KB)
- File: kurzdarstellung_qer.pdf (235 KB)
- File: kurzdarstellung_qmm.pdf (291 KB)
This information was provided/updated by:
Karen Schober; Dr. Bernhard Jenschke
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good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, benchmark, best practice, career guidance services, career counselling, career guidance, co-operation, co-ordination, collaboration, competences, consultation, context, development, effectiveness, ELGPN, evaluation, criteria, evaluation data, guideline, evaluation method, Germany, practitioner, provision, lifelong guidance, national standard development, open method of coordination, profession, professional field, professional service, professionality, quality, quality assurance, quality assurance system, quality evaluation, vocational guidance
Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service
Subject of the Policy document
Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service
Reference data
Adopted/Released by Croatian Employment Service
Year of adoption 2005
Reference number
Available at http:// http://www.hzz.hr/docslike/Standardi_kvalitete_usluga_profesionalnog_usmjeravanja_i_slekecije_u_HZZ-u.pdf
Available in English at http://
1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance
The material describes how career guidance services are provided in regional offices as well as those possible activities now provided in only some of the offices. Improving the career guidance system presumes introduction of new types of services for specific groups of users and ensures co-ordinated action between different departments of the CES. Precondition for introduction of new services is a continuous investment into upgrading of counsellors’ competences.
The overall goal in the quality management system is:
• CES services quality standardisation
• That the activities of the Employment Service are more visible and transparent to the users and public
• That the services provided are within the resources allocated and the legislation framed, that they match best the needs of the users
• Permanent training for the CES employees in order to gain needed competences
• That the changes i.e. adjustments are made in accordance with users’ needs and potential
• To ensure a nation wide concept in delivering services, with possibilities for regional variations
Attached files
This information was provided/updated by:
Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department
No comments by users.
policy, access, administration, adult education, advisory services, apprenticeship, availability, career counselling, career guidance, career information, career management skills, career planning, co-operation and co-ordination, competence assessment, counsellor training, Croatia, guidance services, development plan, disadvantaged groups, education planning, education provision, effectiveness, employees, employer, employment services, evaluation criteria, evaluation data, evaluation guidelines, evaluation outcome, evidence-based, group counselling, guidance provision, human resource management, implementation, in-company training, individual counselling, information services, labour market, standard development, people at risk, people with disabilities, personality assessment, PES, quality assurance, quality evaluation, student counseling, young people, Staff working document, Regional level, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, employment, social inclusion
The Hungarian LLG Council and LLG System development
Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy
The Hungarian LLG Council and LLG System development
I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database
1. Background
What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?
- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)
- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)
- Participants
In Hungary there is no official central ownership of guidance issues. While guidance activities and development are overseen by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (Szociális és Munkaügyi Minisztérium), the Ministry of Education and Culture (Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium) is also a key actor in the field. However, the two ministries do not have a long term strategic agreement on the issue. On the other hand, neither the citizens, nor the employers have a clear idea of the aims, methods or the benefits of guidance, counselling and vocational orientation.
Since the establishment of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) at EU level, national developments have pushed ahead. The Hungarian LLG Council (Nemzeti Pályaorientációs Tanács, NPT) was founded in January 2008 and in September of the same year a new national programme was launched in the framework of the Social Renewal Operational Programme (Társadalmi Megújulás Operatív Programja, TÁMOP) of the New Hungary Development Plan (Új Magyarország Fejlesztési Terv, ÚMFT) 2007-2013 which includes the development of a new national LL guidance network.
The national LLL strategy (2005) as well as the National Reform Programme (2008-2010) also specifies the development of some elements of career guidance activities but a policy document was elaborated by the new Hungarian LLG Council.
Aims and targets
- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)
- Target group
- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)
The main aim of the national council is to develop and promote a framework for lifelong guidance policy. The work of the council is strongly related with the national development programme for LLG System in Hungary. According the Hungarian Government decision (2007) this programme was designed for the 7 years period of the NSRF (2007-2013) and cover 22,6 millions EUR total. Within this main aim the subtasks are the followings:
1. unifying the meaning of career guidance within the educational and employment, social regulations in national level
2. re-establish and also reinterpretat policy mechanism in the field of career guidance after the 70’s
3. develop an unified regulation for career guidance and also develop the financing mechanism
4. develop a cross-sectoral common understanding in the field of lifelong guidance/ carrier education and career counselling
5. develop a web-based unified cadastre for career counselling professionals and for other professionals whose are working in related fields (i.e. teachers, social workers etc.)
6. develop unified guidelines for career counselling professionals
7. upskilling professionals for LLG
7a. offering in-service trainings at two different levels:
- for career counselling professionals
- and for professionals in the related fields
7b. develop tools for all age guidance
7c. publishing a new review (Életpálya Tanácsadás) for the professional community
7d. widening access for career guidance services as a common project of different stakeholders
2. Implementation
Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)
- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)
- Implementation (description)
SROP 2.2.2. under the professional supervision of the NPT implementing a numerous new features in the field of career guidance. The main items within the first 2 year-long period are:
- Development a new toolkit for career guidance professional (questioners for all-age services, web based databank)
- Get together the professionals and the related professionals of career guidance
- Provide in-service training for 2000 people whose working in related professions
- Provide 2 year-long post-graduate diploma for career guidance professionals as widening the network of trained professionals
- Develop a national and regional network of the professionals
The programme SROP 2.2.2 supports development in the areas of IT and methodology. In the area of IT development, the development of a new national guidance portal is envisaged, targeting the youth, adults and professionals/experts, with the aim of providing integrated, up to date, and user friendly information related to education and the labour market. The webpage would also offer a portal for the career guidance professionals, where they could reach all the information and tools regarding the project. It has four main functions:
- Social networking
- Knowledgebase
- Special functions: online storage of counselling case diaries, nameless statistical treatment of their facts, tools that make possible to analyse the offline questionnaires
Monitoring and evaluation
- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?
- What actors are involved?
The first round of monitoring will be carried out in 2010 before than end of the first phase. Internal evaluation is must of the Hungarian Development Agency (NDA) and the National Agency of European Social Fund. Four internal evaluations are compulsory within these 2 years:
- May 2009
- October 2009
- May 2010
- December 2010
NDA and ESA Agency are monitoring the programme outcomes. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour will get a professional summery before the second programme proposal will be submitted to the National Development Agency Human Resources Managing Authority till June 2010.
Two independent external evaluations are also planed within this period.
- one in policy context,
- another for measuring the performance of the 50 career counsellors’ activates working in the programme
3. Outcomes
Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)
- Specific results
- Cost effectiveness
- Budget
- Innovative aspects
Project indicators and their status:
- Number of clients receiving guidance services - base: 30 000 persons/year, aim: 40 000 persons/year, status: achieved (2009)
- Trained persons (from the fields related to guidance) - base: 0, aim: 2000 persons, status: in progress
- Number of persons who successfully finished trainings - base: 0, aim: 1900 persons, status: in progress
- User satisfaction of clients included in guidance activities - base: N/A, aim: + 20%, status: in progress
- Persons attended in post-gradual trainings - base: 0, aim: 50 persons, status: achieved
- Newly developed occupation folders - base: 202, aim: 302, status: in progress
- Updated occupation folders - base: 172, aim: 222, status: in progress
- Newly developed training materials (and courses) - base: 0, aim: 10, status: achieved
- Newly developed occupation films - base: 344, aim: 364, status: in progress
- Unique visitors of the newly developed national guidance portal - base: 223 200 visitor/year, aim: 268 000 visitor/year, status: achieved (2009)
Budget: 2,08 Bn HUF - 7,8 M EUR - is to be used in the first 2 years.
Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)
- Lessons learnt
- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)
A strong professional view of the programme management and the international developments (ie. EU Resolutions 2004, 2008, EU-OECD 2004. ILO 2006. UNESCO 2002 publications etc.) help in the implementation period.
Strengths and weaknesses
- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?
- Are there still challenges ahead?
Lack of evidence of the real economic impact of career guidance and a very segmented human resources development system make the ongoing development and further implementation very fragile. Lack of national resources for the maintaining of the ESA founded development is also an important issue, especially after 2013/2014 for the next development period (2014-2020) of the EU. A national level and cross-sectoral unfiled re-regulation of this field is essential for the success and the marinating of the developments.
4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative
Additional information
Name of contact
Borbély-Pecze, Tibor Bors, NPT
Role (in policy initiative)
Secretary of NPT
Organization name
Nemzeti Pályaorientációs Tanács
Nemzeti Pályaorientációs Tanács Titkársága Foglalkoztatási és Szociális Hivatal (Borbély-Pecze Tibor Bors, titkár) Budapest Kálvária tér 7. 1089 Hungary
beneiv@lab.hu; borbelytibor@lab.hu
Website address
Documents and publications
Attached files
- File: coordination anc cooperation HU NPT case.pdf (416 KB)
- File: Hungary policy statement - 2008 EN.pdf (287 KB)
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ELGPN, good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, national development, LLG system development, cadastre, career guidance counsellor, ICT, effectiveness, national standard development, education policy, PES, cross policy coordination, training of the guidance professionals, access, quality, co-operation, co-ordination, guidance in schools, unemployed, employed, older adults, career information, qualifications, Hungary
Transfer of Innovative Methodology for Assessment of VET Teachers’ Prior Learning
Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy
Transfer of Innovative Methodology for Assessment of VET Teachers’ Prior Learning
I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database
1. Background
What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?
- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)
- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)
- Participants
In three partner countries – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – there are modular study programmes based on the acquisition of competencies, but there is no possibility for VET teachers to assess and recognize their non-formal and informal learning achievements. Project activities and results will promote the development of VET teachers’ education system by establishing the methodology for the assessment of the prior (non-formal and informal) learning and the study module based on this methodology. The possibility to recognize non-formal and informal learning achievements would increase the access to formal education and personalize studies for VET teachers, having practice and pedagogical experience, but having no formal teaching qualification.
Aims and targets
- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)
- Target group
- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)
The aim of the project is to enrich the existing VET teachers’ education programmes in three partner countries – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia by developing introductory module for Assessment of Prior Learning (APL). The possibility to recognize non-formal and informal learning achievements will increase the access to formal education and personalize studies for VET teachers, having practice and pedagogical experience, but having no formal teaching qualification. Expected project results:
• study of APL in VET teachers’ education systems in partner countries;
• methodology for assessment of VET teachers’ prior learning, basing on “donor” – partner (Jyvaskyla University of Applied Sciences) experience;
• study module for assessors of VET teachers’ prior learning developed and tested in partner countries;
• trained groups of assessors of VET teachers’ prior learning in three partner countries – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia;
• introductory module for assessment of VET teachers’ prior learning developed and tested in partner countries.
Target groups:
•VET teacher educators.
•VET teachers.
•Researchers of education.
•Education policy makers.
2. Implementation
Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)
- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)
- Implementation (description)
Monitoring and evaluation
- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?
- What actors are involved?
3. Outcomes
Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)
- Specific results
- Cost effectiveness
- Budget
- Innovative aspects
•A study of APL in VET teacher education systems in partner countries (EN) (LT) (LV) (EE)
•Methodology for assessment of VET teachers’ prior learning (EN) (LT) (LV) (EE)
•Study module for assessors of VET teachers’ prior learning
◦Handbook (EN) (LT) (LV) (EE)
◦Study module description (EN) (LT) (LV) (EE)
•Trained groups of assessors in three partner countries (LT, LV, EE).
•Introductory module for assessment of VET teachers’ prior learning
◦Handbook for APL candidates (EN) (LT) (LV) (EE)
•Special issue of scientific journal "Quality of Higher Education"
The material is available on-line: http://projects.ambernet.lt/timabalt/en/7415
Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)
- Lessons learnt
- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)
Strengths and weaknesses
- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?
- Are there still challenges ahead?
4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative
Additional information
Name of contact
Aušra Fokienė
Role (in policy initiative)
Project manager
Organization name
Vytautas Magnus University, Centre for Quality of Studies
S. Daukanto st. 27-314, LT-44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
Website address
Documents and publications
•A study of APL in VET teacher education systems in partner countries
•Methodology for assessment of VET teachers’ prior learning
•Study module for assessors of VET teachers’ prior learning
◦Study module description
•Trained groups of assessors in three partner countries
•Introductory module for assessment of VET teachers’ prior learning
◦Handbook for APL candidates
A special issue of the scientific journal The Quality of Higher Education No. 6 - http://skc.vdu.lt/index.php/en/journal/archive/no6
All documents and publications are available in LV, LT, EE and EN languages online: http://projects.ambernet.lt/timabalt/en/7415
Attached files
- File: Handbook_Eng_0.pdf (1 361 KB)
- File: HB_APL_candidate_EN.pdf (950 KB)
- File: methodology_EN.pdf (261 KB)
- File: studija_EN.pdf (251 KB)
- File: TB_Assessor_Training_description.pdf (75 KB)
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Euroguidance LT
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good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, competence assessment, competence recognition, competence-based qualifications, competences, continuing education, education planning, education provision, educational development, evaluation of informal learning, evaluation of non-formal learning, further vocational qualifications, lifelong learning, quality, validation of non-formal and informal learning, valuation process, vocational education and training, vocational studies teacher, vocational teacher education college, career management skills, co-operation, tertiary education, employed, qualifications, effectiveness, Lithuania
“Early intervention” activities with pupils – partnership based holistic approach in Croatia
Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy
“Early intervention” activities with pupils – partnership based holistic approach in Croatia
I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database
1. Background
What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?
- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)
- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)
- Participants
The importance of creating social, educational and other conditions for the welfare of young people and their responsible participation in community, including the prevention of early – school leaving is emphasized as priorities in European strategies (e.g. Europe 2020, New Skills for New Jobs) and many national strategies in Croatia (National Youth Program from 2009 - 2013, Development Strategy of the Vocational Education System in the Republic Of Croatia 2008-2013, National Strategy for Entrepreneurial Learning, National Strategy of Equalization of Possibilities for Persons with Disabilities 2007 – 2015).
Presently, career guidance in Croatia is a transversal and comprehensive activity with a cross - sectored approach in youth policy implementation. A clear mandate is given to Croatian Employment Service (CES) to provide support to the educational system through vocational and career guidance services. This approach has been developed on partnership bases between CES, schools, employers, health and social welfare organizations.
Aims and targets
- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)
- Target group
- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)
Croatian Employment Service includes “early intervention” activities in career guidance as an integrated part of its responsibilities to prevent early – school leaving. This approach has proven to be successful since Croatia has a very low rate of early school leavers (3.9%) in comparison to the European countries (where the average rate is close to 15%).
A key feature in Croatian model is client-oriented approach aiming at providing tailor-made services for pupils at risk (early - school leavers, pupils with health and social problems, learning difficulties, behavioral disorders, etc). Educational, psychological, medical and social aspects are assessed for these target groups which are most in need of comprehensive vocational and career guidance services.
2. Implementation
Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)
- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)
- Implementation (description)
Career guidance services are provided to pupils and students using the so-called ˝tiered services˝, starting from the fact that the largest number of pupils need to be informed about their future possibilities in order to make decision; some of them need additional counseling and are included in group counseling sessions and the smallest number (about 10%) are offered the most intense and complex services which could include psychological-medical assessment as well (for those with the risk of being early – school leavers, pupils with health and social problems, learning difficulties, behavioral disorders, etc). Secondary schools students who achieve poor results are also referred to the expert team for career guidance.
Croatian Employment Service conducts a Survey on Vocational Intentions of Primary and Secondary School Pupils on a yearly basis. Under the leadership of CES professionals, expert teams are set-up in each primary and secondary educational institution in order to analyze the outcomes of the Survey and identify priority groups who may require special attention. Analysis is conducted on individual level (for each pupil), regional level (in relation to labor market needs) of and national level (trends in vocational intentions).
Each year the Ministry of Education adopts the Decision on Elements and Criteria for Candidate Selection for High-School Enrolment enabling pupils with developmental disabilities, health difficulties, learning difficulties, behavioral and emotional difficulties as well as pupils from the Roma minority to achieve direct enrolment or receive extra points to the score set in the enrolment valuation process. In order to obtain these rights, pupils among other documents enclose an expert opinion of the CES career guidance service on their abilities and motivation with a list of recommended educational programmes. In expert opinions on the most adequate choice of further education, needs of the labour market and education opportunities are taken into account, as well as the student's individual abilities and needs. In case of pupils with developmental disabilities (physical or mental disability), career guidance expert team’s opinion enables them direct enrolment in specialized schools or training programs.
Monitoring and evaluation
- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?
- What actors are involved?
Monitoring and evaluation of career guidance services in Croatia is carried out periodically by Croatian Employment Service in co-ordination with secondary and tertiary educational institutions. According to the results of the Survey on pupil’s intentions, approximately 60% of the pupil population expresses a need for professional assistance in their choice of further education program. It indicates a further need for further development of group methods and e-counseling services for pupils and students. Career guidance services are planned on a yearly basis according to the expressed needs.
3. Outcomes
Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)
- Specific results
- Cost effectiveness
- Budget
- Innovative aspects
In a partnership based approach and coordination between employment and educational sectors, it is considered more cost effective to the entire society to provide adequate support to those of greater need at primary and secondary school rather than spending public money for unemployed citizens when adults.
Career guidance services in Croatian Employment Service are considered a key element in preventive activities in order to avoid potential social exclusion. On average, 30% of the pupil/student population in Croatia is included in the “early intervention” activities of CES career guidance services.
In addition, aggregate results of the Survey on pupil’s intentions indicate the trends in pupils'/students' vocational intentions and are delivered to the stakeholders in the field of education and employment on the county and national level. According to the Survey and forecasting the needs of the labor market for certain occupations, every year recommendations for enrollment policy and scholarship policy are made and referred to the educational institutions, local and regional stakeholders, sector councils and the Ministry of Education.
Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)
- Lessons learnt
- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)
The key feature of the ˝early intervention˝ model is client-oriented approach aiming at providing tailor-made services for pupils at risk. It represents a multidisciplinary approach that involves co-operation and co-ordination of experts in the fields of education, employment, health and social welfare. It has proven to be successful since Croatia has a very low rate of early school leavers (3.7%).
Strengths and weaknesses
- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?
- Are there still challenges ahead?
One of the challenges is the positive discrimination of pupils at risk as a way of addressing their disadvantages in educational and labor surroundings. A necessity to develop more efficient tailor-made CG services for pupils at risk exists, which leaves fewer opportunities for providing CG services to other target groups (undeceive pupils, talented pupils, etc.).
Currently, Croatia is in the process of establishing a LLCG National Forum and drafting legislation for guidance provision. The awareness of inter-institutional cooperation is increasing, including the need to define the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders on national, regional and local levels.
4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative
Additional information
Name of contact
Mirjana Zećirević
Role (in policy initiative)
Head, Employment Preparation Department
Organization name
Croatian Employment Service
Radnička cesta 1, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1612 6091
+385 1612 6039
Website address
Documents and publications
Attached files
No links specified.
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good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, career counselling, career guidance services, disabilities, health difficulties, learning difficulties, co-operation, co-ordination, Croatia, drop-out, early school leaver, effectiveness, employment services, expert opinion, group counselling, young people, schools, guidance provision, labour market information, PES career guidance service, prevention, professional informing, school children, secondary education, self-assessment, survey, transition, vocational guidance, youth education, VET, employment, guidance in schools, career information
The German National Guidance Forum – a bottom-up approach
Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy
The German National Guidance Forum – a bottom-up approach
I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database
1. Background
What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?
- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)
- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)
- Participants
The German National Forum Guidance in Education, Career and Employment nfb was created following the OECD country review and the 2004 EU Resolution on Lifelong Guidance. The initiative for the Forum was set up alongside a national conference on the “Future of Guidance for Education, Career and Employment – Shaping and Networking” organised in 2004 by the Ministries for Education and Research, Economy and Labour, the Federal Employment Agency and the National Federal Training Institute (BiBB) as well as the German Leonardo da Vinci Office . A steering committee for the continuous development of the Forum managed to secure the support of most of the stakeholders and actors in the guidance field including the ideal support of ministerial authorities. Meanwhile two EU projects within the Joint Action programme (2004 – 2006) were set up by the European Commission to support the establishment of national guidance coordination and cooperation mechanisms. In this context through the exchange with other countries and partners the drafting and final agreement of a Mission Statement was crucial for the common understanding and approach of the German Guidance Forum. After this intensive bottom-up process involving all actors and stakeholders the National Guidance Forum was officially founded as a legal identity in 2006 by 21 members, amongst them, professional associations and guidance experts, the Federal Training Institute and organisations for further education, agencies and unions, research institutes and the Ministry of Labour as a supportive member.
Aims and targets
- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)
- Target group
- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)
The general aim of the National Guidance Forum is to promote the professionalism and quality delivery of guidance in education, initial and further vocational training and in the employment sector in Germany. It aims to stimulate the (further) development of a coherent guidance system which meets the different needs of the users and to draft guidelines for quality and quality assurance which are accepted and recognized by all actors and stakeholders. The work of the Forum is guided by the definition of guidance of the European Union and takes account of internationally accepted ethical standards and competences for practitioners while respecting the specific profiles of services and institutions in the different sectors. Further, the Forum intends to signal the importance of guidance for the development of individual skills and competences as well as for the competitiveness of the economy and promotes the equality within society. Through its activities the Forum aims to support policy development on national and regional level according their respective responsibilities. Thereby, the Forum stands for the preservation of plurality and competition within the guidance scene. To guarantee transparency of and easy access to guidance services the Forum considers that better networking and coordination among actors in the different areas of guidance is indispensable.
2. Implementation
Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)
- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)
- Implementation (description)
The National Guidance Forum offers a platform to exchange knowledge and experience for all actors and stakeholders, practitioners, policy makers and researchers in the field through workshops and conferences, its website and through participation in projects and events. It takes action in networking, cooperation and coordination between the different actors in the fields of guidance and education. Though expert’s reports and statements as well as proposals the National Guidance Forum takes part in policy development, for instance 2009 through a Discussion Policy Paper on necessary reforms in the guidance sector. In addition, international cooperation and networking is used to exchange knowledge and experiences for the development of educational and career guidance in Germany. The Forum was appointed by the Federal Ministry of Education to be part of the German delegation in the ELGPN. Hence, it cooperates and supports the Ministry for Education in guidance matters and in the ELGPN. The National Guidance Forum implements projects to develop quality and professionalism in guidance and identifies needs for research and evaluation. With the funding of the Ministry of Education the Forum started a joint project with the Institute for Education and Research of the University of Heidelberg to develop quality standards and a quality development framework for guidance institutions.
Monitoring and evaluation
- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?
- What actors are involved?
Being an incorporated legal association according to German Civil Law the National Guidance Forum has standing rules of procedures which make sure that decisions are made democratically and that all members accept the goals of the Forum. Through this structure it keeps its impartiality and independence of interests. The Forum is constituted by 3 bodies. The member’s general assembly elects the Board of Directors. A Board of Trustees (Kuratorium), which is assigned by the Board of Directors, monitors and accompanies the work of the Forum professionally, particularly in relation to policy development. The members of the Board of Trustees provide the link to the policy makers and give advice the Forum how best to realize its aims. Members of the Board of Trustees are representatives of the Federal Education and Labour Ministries, the Federal Employment Agency, a Member of Parliament, representatives of the social partners and the Federal States and the Permanent Conference of Education Ministers of the Lander. The General Assembly meets at least once a year and evaluate the progress and success of the Forum in relation to its aims and purposes.
The Board provides an annual report to the Member's General Assembly on the activities which can be discussed and monitored by all members. Throughout the year there are Newsletters to the Members. The use of the public webpage is another instrument to monitor the public interest in the Forum’s activities.
3. Outcomes
Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)
- Specific results
- Cost effectiveness
- Budget
- Innovative aspects
Specific results:
- The Forum took part in the Federal Minister’s Innovation Committee and stimulated recommendations concerning guidance policy development and a research study on guidance quality and professionalism.
- The National Forum is a member of the German ELGPN delegation.
- It organised 3 workshops and a European Peer Learning event on guidance quality within the ELGPN. A documentation booklet with statements of all stakeholders was published in 2008.
- A joint project – involving all relevant actors and supported by the Federal Ministry of Education - for the development of common agreed quality standards and counsellor competence profiles has been initiated.
- The website is a permanently updated professional communication platform which contains European and international documents.
- In 2009 the Forum published a White Paper “Corner stones of a sustainable and future-oriented guidance system in Germany” in which it calls for a coherent guidance system and proposes relevant reforms.
Cost effectiveness and Budget:
The members and the board are working voluntarily. The running costs are covered by the member fees, donations and by project based allowances by the Ministry of Education and Research. This kind of financing guarantees the cost effectiveness of the work and sustainability regardless of changing governments. Despite its low budget the National Guidance Forum successfully expanded and was able to set up an office in Berlin in 2009.
Innovative aspects:
The cooperation of many different actors and stakeholders in the field of guidance is quite innovative in Germany where guidance provisions are still fragmented. Thus, the Forum was able to start a number of initiatives for a coherent guidance system and for quality. The bottom-up approach secures involvement of all actors and also consideration of different professional and user interests.
Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)
- Lessons learnt
- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)
The successful start of the National Guidance Forum could only be achieved through consistent networking with the key actors in the field. Particularly, the active engagement and personal commitment of nationally and internationally recognised key players in the guidance scene laid the basis for all activities in relation to the Forum. Professional personal leadership is one of the success factors. The support of many participating experts and the stimulation of the EU Guidance Resolution 2004 and the Joint Action Project facilitated the foundation of the Forum. Through the European communications and networking on the importance of Career Guidance, the engagement of policy makers and key players in guidance policy development has been increased. The structural link to policy makers within the Board of Trustees is also crucial.
Strengths and weaknesses
- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?
- Are there still challenges ahead?
After having consolidated itself in its first 3 years, the National Guidance Forum now aims to continue and intensify its work towards more quality in guidance in Germany. In the next two years the Forum will coordinate a joint project with the University of Heidelberg on quality development in Guidance. Together with many partners from policy and practice it will agree quality guidelines following the European developments. The project will also set up a Quality Development Frame for guidance institutions with tools supporting its implementation. The development of sustainable structures for quality assurance and evidence-based policy in Germany will be a great challenge. The Forum will continue to contribute to lifelong guidance policy development, and to initiate relevant research, especially on the impacts of guidance for Lifelong Learning, the economy and the society. Weaknesses are the restricted resources which limits activities.
4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative
The German National Forum Guidance in Education, Career and Employment (nfb) is an independent network in which all institutions and organisations, relevant research and training institutions for guidance practitioners, governmental authorities and non-governmental agencies dealing with, offering or financing guidance and counselling as well as organisations of guidance users and consumers can collaborate.
The Forum deals with guidance provided for individuals in education, vocational training and employment sectors. Psychotherapeutic and business consultancy of companies or organisations do not belong to the area of activity of the National Forum. The Forum understands itself as a platform of all stakeholders and actors in the field of career guidance providing an opportunity for exchange of knowledge and experience across all institutional sectors, for the discussion of common concerns and projects, and for the achievement of common aims. The interesting difference in comparison to other co-operation mechanisms is the bottom-up approach of the German guidance community. Instead of a top-down model which is launched and lead by governmental activities as in other European countries, the Forum is a combination of professional expertise and independence and co-operation with governmental authorities through the Board of Trustees (Kuratorium).
Founded in 2006 the Forum currently has 51 members (25 organisations, 25 individual experts and one sustaining member, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) who support the mission and the aims.
The general aim of the National Forum is to promote the professional delivery of guidance in education, vocational training and employment sectors in Germany, to stimulate the (further) development of guidance services which meet the different needs of the users, to draft guidelines for quality and quality assurance, and to motivate all partners to accept and recognise them. Based on the EU Council Resolution 2004 on guidance and with reference to the results of the various studies of the OECD, EU and the World Bank (2001-2004) the Forum intends to contribute with its activities to the professional development of the guidance field in Germany. The work of the National Forum is based on the definition of guidance of the European Union and takes account of internationally accepted ethical standards and competences for practitioners while respecting the specific profiles of services and institutions in the different sectors. It intends to signal the importance of educational and vocational guidance for the development of skills and competences of the individual as well as for the human capital of the society. Modern societies and the global economy depend for their well-being on the mobilisation of the talents and strengths of their members. Guidance assists in discovering and developing these talents and strengths and thus contributes to the improvement of competitiveness, of economic wealth and social integration.
The National Forum promotes all developments and activities integral to good and comprehensive guidance to enhance autonomous initiative, responsibility of the self and the competence of an individual to manage its own education and career; to promote and increase the educational potential of individuals and their abilities to participate in social life and labour market; to maintain and improve the employability of individuals; to support citizens in using their basic legal rights according the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, especially the right of free development of the individual, of free choice of a career and employment, and to stimulate equal opportunities.
Through its activities the Forum intends to support the responsible authorities in the Federation and the Federal States and in other public bodies in achieving these tasks. Thereby, the Forum stands for the preservation of plurality and competition within the guidance scene. However, to guarantee transparency of and easy access to guidance services the Forum considers that better networking and coordination among actors in the different areas of guidance is indispensable. In Germany guidance is in general only offered at points of transition (at the choice of initial training, education and studies, during unemployment and for decisions to further training). But the implementation of a strategy of lifelong learning needs a continuous and coordinated system of guidance services.
In the past the National Guidance Forum has been very active in the field of public relations and communication for the issue of guidance. As part of the Innovation Committee for Further Education by the Ministry of Education and Research the Forum supported the articulation of targets for the extension and improvement of guidance in Germany. Since 2008 the Forum supports and advises the Ministry of Education and Research concerning its cooperation in the ELGPN. On the basis of international developments and as consequence of a series of workshops and events the National Guidance Forum started the “Process of open coordination for quality development and professionalization in educational, vocational and career guidance” in October 2009. In order to carry out the project, the National Guidance Forum cooperates with the Institute for Education and Research (ibw) of the Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg as joint project partners. The joint project is supported by government grants from the Federal Ministry for Education and Research during the time of 27 month (1.09.2009 – 31.11.2011). The joint project aims to develop and implement guidelines for quality and professionalism in guidance in education, career and employment in Germany which, if possible, should be supported by all relevant actors. Furthermore, the project will develop and test tools for lasting quality assurance. For this purpose active cooperation of the many different stakeholders from the distinct areas of guidance is encouraged.
In addition, the Forum will further strive to improve the quality and transparency of guidance in Germany through the encouragement of cross-sectoral cooperation of all actors and stakeholders in the field of educational, vocational and career guidance. It also will contribute to a strategy of Lifelong Learning in which a coherent system of lifelong guidance is an integral component.
Additional information
Name of contact
Dr. Bernhard Jenschke, nfb
Role (in policy initiative)
Vice President of German National Guidance Forum
Organization name
Nationales Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung e.V.
Nationales Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung e.V., Kurfürstenstr. 131, 10785 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 263 980 993
+49 30 263 980 999
bernhard@jenschke.de; info@forum-beratung.de
Website address
Documents and publications
- Nationales Forum Beratung, „Eckpunkte für ein zeitgemäßes und zukunftsfähiges Beratungsangebot in Deutschland“ (2009) (White Paper on Reforms)
- Nationales Forum Beratung,“Dokumentation Qualitätsentwicklung und Professionalität in der Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung“ (2009)
- Nationales Forum Beratung, Mission Statement of National Guidance Forum
- Jenschke, Bernhard, “The Development of the National Guidance Forum in Germany” in:Lifelong Guidance for Lifelong Learning, ed.Peter Härtel et.al., Krakow, 2007
Attached files
- File: Mission Statement.PDF (50 KB)
- File: Project Summary Quality and Professionalism.PDF (142 KB)
- File: Development of nfb.PDF (101 KB)
This information was provided/updated by:
Dr. Bernhard Jenschke
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ELGPN, good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, best practice, career counselling, career guidance, co-operation, co-ordination, collaboration, communication, context of guidance, cross-sectoral, education policy, effectiveness, evaluation, expert, expert body, Germany, provision, system, lifelong guidance, network development, project, quality, vocational guidance, leadership
General term used to describe the effects of a programme, policy or socioeconomic change. Impact can be positive or negative as well as foreseen or unforeseen.
Impacts of guidance might include:
• increased job satisfaction;
• lower drop-out rates/increased tenure;
• improvements in skills related to career management;
• other social and economic benefits.
Cedefop (2011). Glossary: Quality in education and training. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Available from Internet: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/4106_en.pdf
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ELGPN Glossary, effectiveness, impact
Guidance systems
Guidance systems
The way the delivery of guidance services has been designed and organised. This might be the approach taken in a particular country or region to the organisation of guidance services or a particular way of delivering guidance, such as online or at a distance.
How the delivery of guidance services is organised can have a significant impact on their coverage and effectiveness.
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ELGPN Glossary, guidance services, effectiveness, design
Evidence-based policy and practice
Evidence-based policy and practice
The conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current evidence of what works best, and most cost-effectively, to inform lifelong guidance policy and practice.
More generally, any activity, intervention or way of working that has been designed on the basis of evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of the particular approach (policy or practice) being used.
An example of using of an evidence-based policy would be where data on lifelong guidance service usage and potential demand are collected systematically at national level to develop evidence-based policies to target provision for different groups.
Although different, it can be seen as an adjunct to reflective practice.
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ELGPN Glossary, evidence base, evidence-based, policy, practice, effectiveness
Extent to which the objectives of a policy or an intervention are achieved, usually without reference to costs.
Important to distinguish from efficiency which can generally be defined as referring to the relationship between results achieved (output) and resources used (input).
In a guidance context, it is important to distinguish between effectiveness for the individual and for the organisation (e.g. employer, guidance provider) providing the service. Effectiveness can also be measured at a societal level.
Cedefop (2011). Glossary: Quality in education and training. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Available from Internet: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/4106_en.pdf
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ELGPN Glossary, effectiveness, efficiency, output, input
Partnership based URIHO's model of CMS for persons with disability in Croatia
Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy
Partnership based URIHO's model of CMS for persons with disability in Croatia
I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database
1. Background
What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?
- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)
- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)
- Participants
According to conducted researches (UNDP/CES research 2007) and monitoring of labour market situation in Croatia it is visible that persons with disabilities have difficulties to enter open labour market because of their inadequate educational structure, lack of work experience and long term unemployment what additionally decrease their employability because of disuse of professional knowledge and diminished motivation. Prejudices of employers and general public about their working abilities also contribute to their hard placement on open labour market.
The Strategy on Equalization of Possibilities for Persons with disabilities in Croatia (2007-2015) among others states: “to allow access to career management for persons with disabilities...to develop new employment models for persons with disabilities”.
Croatian Employment Service in cooperation with URIHO (organization for rehabilitation), Fond for vocational rehabilitation and local communities have developed model to enhance the employability of unemployed persons with disabilities by improving their career management skills using tailor made work-related and social activities.
Aims and targets
- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)
- Target group
- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)
The objective of established new model of professional rehabilitation is to enhance the employability of persons with disabilities by improving their career management skills using tailor made work-related and social activities. Target groups of participants are long-term unemployed persons with disabilities and in smaller extent other vulnerable and marginalized groups.
2. Implementation
Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)
- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)
- Implementation (description)
New model includes activities which take place in group settings, individual sessions and social-related activities - assessment and upgrading of their vocational competences, their key competences - communication in mother tongue, mathematical and digital competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; social skills, job-searching skills including how to write CV-s, knowledge and skills needed for their interview with potential employer. They also have possibility for self-evaluation by using “My Choice” - career guidance software. In addition, individual counseling on career possibilities leads towards improving their career management skills. Group work is organized once a week (1, 5 hour) and is focused on themes such as: communication and presentation skills, non-violent conflict resolution, recognition and expression of emotions, stress management, decision- making, creative and critical thinking, building effective relationships, team work, self-assessment, ect. Group work is based on interactive approach which includes group discussions, role plays, working in pairs, presentations.
The described model of professional rehabilitation has started as model at national level followed by setting up similar regional professional rehabilitation centers.
Monitoring and evaluation
- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?
- What actors are involved?
The evaluation of this programme proves that after 6 months participants improve their working potential including different aspects related to career management skills.
Croatian Employment Service is involved in process of monitoring the participants’ progress, conducting evaluation of the program and works on improvement of this form of vocational rehabilitation along with the other partners. Additionally, new model of professional rehabilitation contributed to the increased level of cooperation among all partners: Croatian Employment Service, URIHO (Institution for Rehabilitation of Persons With Disability by Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment), the City of Zagreb and Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of People with Disabilities.
3. Outcomes
Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)
- Specific results
- Cost effectiveness
- Budget
- Innovative aspects
Participants have learnt how to write CV, how to make active job search and effective interview with potential employer. They have improved their career management skills through self-evaluation techniques, by using “My Choice” career guidance software, individual and group counseling. According to the survey and follow up 45% of unemployed persons with disabilities who used URIHO facilities found their jobs on open labor market.
Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)
- Lessons learnt
- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)
The main factors which led to success of this model were: improved vertical and horizontal communication between all key players who were indispensable for CMS policy implementation. CMS policy implementation was incremental and gradual due to bottom up process which relayed on constant observation and assessment of needs of participants involved in the activities of professional rehabilitation.
The factors that hindered success were unclear legislation regulations about participant’s compensations during the rehabilitation process which influenced their motivation. This issue was resolved through communication with the relevant ministry.
Strengths and weaknesses
- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?
- Are there still challenges ahead?
4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative
Additional information
Name of contact
Mirjana Zećirević
Role (in policy initiative)
Head, Employment Preparation Department
Organization name
Croatian Employment Service
Radnička cesta 1, 10 000 Zagreb
+385 1612 6091
+385 1612 6039
Website address
Documents and publications
Attached files
No links specified.
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good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, assessment, key competences, self-evaluation, vocational rehabilitation, disabled, Croatia, adult education, employment, social inclusion, people at risk, unemployed, disadvantaged groups, career information, qualifications, effectiveness
National Quality System for Guidance Provision - Portugal
Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy
National Quality System for Guidance Provision - Portugal
I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database
1. Background
What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?
- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)
- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)
- Participants
The present initiative stands as the first articulated attempt to create a fully comprehensive system of quality assurance for guidance activity in Portugal.
Although previous measures existed, providing the quality of instruments and methods used in PES-supplied guidance, as well as basic training for professionals, there was a clear need for a more integrated instrument, with adequate monitoring tools.
Given its institutional mission of assuring the adaptability and adequacy of guidance provision, the national public employment service, IEFP, has taken initiative in establishing a national standard, which will also account for the visions of an advisory network of relevant participants.
Other entities will be enrolled in the project to guarantee diffusion and improvement of standards, namely: the Portuguese Ministry of Education; Universities with research on guidance; professional/scientific associations; inter-national structures.
Aims and targets
- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)
- Target group
- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)
The objectives of the initiative can be resumed in three main points:
- Gaining efficacy and efficiency in guidance provision through implementation and constant check of clear standards, measures and practises
- Increasing autonomy of citizens in establishing critical learning and labour pathways, both by competence building and ease of access
- Sponsoring innovation through systematic research on critical factors in guidance for employability and job stability/success
The end target of the system is the guidance user, although we can also consider both guidance professionals and employment/educational service managers as being targeted by the measures undertaken.
The system is implemented by understanding guidance activity as part of a value chain and acting upon the phases of that chain, considering inputs, process and outputs. Primarily is considered the intervention of the PES and its creation of public value and economic spillovers.
Up-date of instruments, improvement of registry tools, accessibility, competence-assessment and of management information supports and fluxes are part of the methodology, affecting all aspects of guidance provision (materials, contents, technology).
2. Implementation
Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)
- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)
- Implementation (description)
The system has a national scope and is sustained in an incremental and progressive logic. Firstly, its scope is the operation of the PES services with a test run in some of its main job and training centres. Secondly, the initiative should be generalised to the full PES network. A third step should enable the adjusted diffusion of the system to different sectors and networks, namely education and private operators. As early as step two, the standard is to be shared and discussed in a advisory forum of external participants.
Common standards and information tools are already under development.
Some key measures to undertake are:
- Set periodic updates and testing of diagnosis tools, guidance methodologies, information supports, on-line contents/tools
- Improvement of registry and information transitions that allows for interchangibility of user information while guarantying users' rights
- Improvement of accessibility by development of comprehensive e-guidance tools and the improvement of information to disabled people (paper and online) and immigrant users
- Set evaluation and update of guidance professionals' competencies, with strict standards and ethical conduct
- Development of adequate tools for the follow-up of guidance users
- Balanced score-cards for guidance management and multi-level modelling of supervised
Monitoring and evaluation
- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?
- What actors are involved?
Monitoring and evaluation is primarily undertaken by the Guidance Directorate of IEFP in articulation with other network participants.
A monitoring mechanism has been established, measuring the efficacy of the planned measures affecting inputs and process as well as a system of indicators aimed at measuring impact variables.
Input variables are monitored through direct control of measures and by user enquiring.
Process/organisation variables are monitored by tools' assessment, management enquiring and technical staff enquiring.
Outputs are monitored by follow-up of PES users (with and without guidance), defining samples that have as basic statistical unit the job/training centres. Follow-up focus on job stability/success, job mobility, autonomy assessment (labour and education), educational success, labour market queuing, entrepreneurship capacities.
A balanced scorecard has been defined with all the assessment dimensions deemed relevant.
A statistical modelling process is being developed to enable research-based adjustments to guidance policy, using as a methodology multi-level analysis.
3. Outcomes
Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)
- Specific results
- Cost effectiveness
- Budget
- Innovative aspects
Specific results: only planning and tools have been developed
Cost effectiveness: progressive implementation and thigh instrument control should allow for low costs of project and improvement of present cost-result ratio in provision
Innovative aspects: Research-based approach
Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)
- Lessons learnt
- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)
Strengths and weaknesses
- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?
- Are there still challenges ahead?
4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative
Additional information
Name of contact
Pedro Moreno da Fonseca
Role (in policy initiative)
Organization name
Website address
No links specified.
Documents and publications
Attached files
No links specified.
This information was provided/updated by:
Pedro Moreno da Fonseca PhD
No comments by users.
ELGPN, good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, career management skills, access, quality, evidence-based policy, co-operation, guidance in schools, people at risk, unemployed, employed, disadvantaged groups, career information, qualifications, effectiveness, Portugal