European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies

Subject of the Policy document

Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Council of the European Union

Year of adoption 2008

Reference number 2008/C 319/02

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

This is one of the key policy documents relating to lifelong guidance. The Resolution identifies the four priority areas (encouraging the lifelong acquisition of career management skills; facilitating access by all citizens to guidance services; developing quality assurance in guidance; and encouraging coordination and cooperation among national, regional and local stakeholders in guidance), around which the ELGPN work packages are built. The document also recognises role of the ELGPN as, inter alia, a means to share information and examples of best practice among the Member States.

Attached files

File: Council (2008) Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies_OJ.pdf (98 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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policy, access, career management skills, Cedefop, cooperation, coordination, disadvantaged groups, ELGPN, employment, European Qualifications Framework, guidance practitioner, guidance system, key competencies, lifelong guidance, lifelong learning, quality assurance, social inclusion, European union, resolution, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education

National Lifelong Guidance Council 2008-2012_HU

Subject of the Policy document

National Lifelong Guidance Council 2008-2012_HU

Reference data

Adopted/Released by

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The National Lifelong Guidance Council of Hungary was established in 2007, with the following main aims:
- to coordinate the ongoing works and developments of the Hungarian stakeholders and sectors (employment, public, higher, vocational education, social sectors)
- to harmonise the Hungarian LLG related developments with the EU priorities and goals,
- to participate in the works of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN),
- to supervise the EU funded development of the Hungarian Lifelong Guidance system, led by the National Employment Office.

Attached files

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This information was provided/updated by:

Viktória Benei

No comments by users.

policy, consultation, cross-sectoral co-operation, guidance system, recommendation, National level, Hungary, guideline, co-operation and co-ordination, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, social inclusion