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Outcome (quality)
Positive or negative longer-term socio-economic change or impact that occurs directly or indirectly from an intervention’s input, activities and output.
In the context of lifelong guidance, the term ‘outcome’ is commonly used to describe the effect that a service has had, either on the individual client, or on the wider community or economy as a whole. In this sense, ‘outcome’ is really what is meant by the ‘impact’ or ‘impact measure’ of a service, i.e. the learning, social and/or economic outcomes achieved by the individual.
Both ‘outcome’ and ‘output’ refer to the effects or end-results that the project or service is designed to produce.
Both ‘outcome’ and ‘output’ refer to the effects or end-results that the project or service is designed to produce.
Cedefop (2011). Glossary: Quality in education and training. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Available from Internet: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/4106_en.pdf
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