Post-conference materials
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Vanhalakka-Ruoho: Career Counsellor Education at the University of Joensuu
Salminen: Vocational and in service training within enterprises
Piikkilä: Guidance services in comprehensive schools and transition the secondary level Tampere model
Maijanen: The overall plan for study guidance at the JYU
Lerkkanen: Guidance services in higher education
Lehmusto: Guidance Services in the PES Nov 2006
Lamminsivu: Student Guidance Objectives Practices and Challenges
Lammi: Jyväskylä Vocational Institute
Lairio: Initial And In-Service Training of Practitioners and Research in the Field of Guidance in Finland
Kosonen: Guidance Services in Vocational Education and Training for Students and Mature Students
Koivunen: Guidance guidance oriented attitude and personnel training
Kettunen: Web-based resource centre for period of work experience
Kasurinen: Introduction of the Lifelong Guidance Services in Finland Nov 2006
Kärkkäinen: Cross sectoral guidance in rural areas CASE Settlement of Lievestuore
Karjalainen: Development of the National Guidance Research Forum
Hietaluoma: 3rd Age University of Jyväskylä Finland
Helin: Guidance services at the Open University
Haapasaari: The Noste Project of Central Finland
Lerber: Computer learning for seniors